Hi everyone! I didn't post last week because I have been working on the landscaping and finishing the interior of the Post office and figured you were getting bored of seeing the slow progress. I will post about it again when I finish all the building and landscaping and start to make the Post Office worker elves and customers.
In the meantime, I had such a pleasant mini week! First, my latest issue of Dollhouse and Miniature Scene arrived, then I got two packages in the mail on the same day.
Several weeks back I was fortunate to win Ricardo's (Mis Minis Libros) prize draw and his package arrived from Spain. Inside I found 3 of his wonderful books which open and are readable (in Spanish of course but that just adds to the allure!). Also inside was a lovely table he made using marquetry. He took the table apart so it could be flat packed for mailing which made it so much easier. I was about to glue it back together but, while admiring the work on the tabletop and base I thought - wouldn't it make a beautiful centrepiece for a floor! I could install it in my southwest room box then build the rest of the floor around it. Hmmm, I will leave it for a bit while I think about it. The work is so lovely I want to find the perfect spot for it, whether I put it back together as a table or use it for a very special centre medallion in the floor. Either way - I'm so very grateful.. Thank you, Ricardo!

The second package has to do with the title of this post: My new definition of 'downsizing'. I have wondered for a long time now what it would be like to build in 1:48 scale. First of all, just for the challenge, but secondly, if I finish all of the projects I have on the go now in 1:12 scale, there is no way I will have room for them - especially when we sell this house and move into an apartment within the next year. So - I finally took the plunge and ordered from
Petite Properties in England. Having never made anything in 1:48 scale before, I decided to start with one of their smallest kit - the shepherd's hut. It came with the base kit for landscaping as well although most of their kits have the building and the base sold separately. Here is a picture from their website of the kit made up (before landscaping).
I also ordered a small wall hanging cupboard so I could also try out a small piece of furniture to see how I liked working in that scale. I immediately opened the bag for the little cupboard and got started.
The instructions were extremely clear and the pieces were cut perfectly and fit together in seconds. The last part of the instruction was to glue the doors to the front of the cabinet but I stopped and thought about that before I went any further. First of all, don't I want to at least paint the inside? Shouldn't there be something inside the cupboard before I glue the doors on? So, I painted the cabinet and doors and set them aside while I tried to figure out what I could put inside. Thank heavens for toothpicks and tiny pieces of scrap wood. This is what it looked like before I put the doors on (please ignore all the little bits of glue that have become visible in these photos. I will be cleaning those off for sure.)
Here it is with the doors on - again, the messy glue will be removed. However, I did forget to glue on the teeny door handles. Will get that done too!
I like it much better with something inside - even though it's just a few little bits that give the illusion of boxes and canisters, at least it's not an empty cupboard.
And, in this picture, you can better see exactly how tiny this cupboard really is.
Yes, it really is that small and yes, it wasn't easy to figure out what to put inside and yes, I loved making it!!!
Next, I opened the packages for the shepherd's hut. I immediately dived in and put together the lamb box and attached it to the base of the hut, as per the instructions which, once again are very clear and include lots of pictures of how to put it together. The next instruction tells me to attach the side and end walls. At that point, I once again stepped back and have decided to paint the interior walls, floor, and ceiling before putting it together, then I will finish the outside and build and landscape the base.
So, tomorrow afternoon is mini day for Louise, Marijke and I so I will work on this little project tomorrow. So far, what do I think about this 1:48 scale? I absolutely love it!!! I can see many more of these little kits in the future. I hope Petite Properties has a gift certificate option because I know what I will be asking my kids for upcoming birthdays, Christmas, etc.
In closing for this week, I would be remiss if I didn't include Bruce's contribution for the week.
These would be funny if they didn't capture our cat's behaviour so perfectly! Or maybe that's EXACTLY why they're funny! Oh well, I love our little Bridie anyway! Have a great week! TTFN!! - Marilyn