Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Slow day today...

I had a very slow mini day today but - the good news is that I actually did work on minis -- something I haven't been able to do for weeks!!! I am preparing for the upcoming Camp Mini Ha Ha so today I took a mock-up of this year's project that my friend Louise had put together to help with planning her project, and I tried out different sized bases to see what inspiration would come to me.

The project is designed as a 1:24th fairy house with the size being very compact. Since I'm not really into fairy-type things, I am turning mine into a deep woods retreat for a struggling writer. He's rented a very remote and tiny cottage to remove all distractions while he prepares to write the world's next great masterpiece.

So, taking pieces of builder's foam to raise the level of the building itself, I decided to use a base I have for another project to design my landscape that will be used in this project. The base is 12x30 inches. That will leave me room to create the woodland scene I have in my head - although I am sure it will never turn out as well as I can imagine it.

Here is the general idea - but keep in mind that square edges will be carved off, rocks and gravel, sand and trees will be added - not to mention that I recently bought a new laptop mouse and the plastic packaging was perfect to make a little woodland pond out of. Also - THIS IS NOT THE PROJECT - it's just a cardboard representation so I could try out the shape of landscaping.

The dark green/black piece you see on the left side is the little pond area. I will have some cattails in it and will colour the water so it has a greenish tinge around the edges, clearing toward the centre. I see small bushes and maybe irises around this pond. Maybe little dots of yellow to represent buttercups (remember this is 1:24th scale).

I also have a 1:24th scale truck which is in pristine condition but I plan on banging it up, dulling down the shine, and making it kind of rusty because no starving writer could afford a brand new truck.

Now that I see how I can set up the landscaping areas, I am actually getting excited about this project. Only 20-some days to Camp!!!

Sorry it's such a short post today but - I'm heading to bed while the Blue Jays game is tied and I can dream that they will pull out a win! TTFN!!! - Marilyn


  1. This is going to be GOOD! It looks and sounds charming already!The camp sounds heavenly and yet another reason to envy my northern neighbors. Good luck with the preparations!:O)

    1. Well, Jodi - you'll have to plan to come to Camp some year. It's always a lot of fun - not as formal as the big venues/events in Chicago and Philadelphia, or even Castine, that's for sure, but we all have a good time and get to do minis for 5 straight days. What could be better? We always have some Americans who make the trip - regular attendees from Wisconsin, Maryland, New York, and I think this year we have someone coming from either Oregon or California - somewhere on the West Coast.:-) We'd love to see you there. - Marilyn

  2. Hello Marilyn,
    That is an awesome project! I love the structure and can't wait to see the landscaping. I very much like the thought you put into your projects. I think a wroter's retreat is the perfect subject. I am soooo glad you are back.
    Big hug

    1. It really is a hobby about story telling, isn't it Giac? We just happen to tell our stories in 3-D - even more fun! Hugs to you and Jo. - Marilyn

  3. wow, that is some cool architecture - great curves! Keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks Troy - I can't take credit for the building design. This year's Camp project was designed by one of our Camp alumni - Audrey, from Maryland. She's very talented. I only hope I can do her design justice. - Marilyn

  4. Love the idea of a retreat in the woods that provides a sanctuary for calm thought...the landscaping, especially done over different levels, will add to the ambience and create the story's background perfectly. We will almost be able to hear the sounds in the woods with birds singing, squirrels nattering and perhaps a cricket or two chirping! Looking forward to seeing the project develop and grow from this mock-up....cheers, Alayne

    1. Hi Alayne. You've captured exactly the scene I have in my head. My worry is that, as a fairly new convert to this marvelous hobby, what ends up in the project won't live up to what I have in my head. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and my "vision" focussed! - Marilyn
