Sunday, 8 November 2020

Time to reflect on what is important

While the malls and stores are all decorating for Christmas - and don't get me wrong, I LOVE to decorate for Christmas, my husband and I just completed a small tribute to what matters more to all of us. It doesn't take much - a package of red plastic plates and a roll of black shelf liner and some left over red mesh from our Christmas decorations. This little bit of labour was fueled by a whole lot of love, admiration and appreciation. Thank you all who serve.
In memory of my late father:
MWO C. Vernon Gay
WW II; Egypt; DND Headquarters

and my late father-in-law:
Cpl. C. Stewart Driscoll
WW II, Korea, Cyprus

and in appreciation of my son-in-law
Sgt. Kevin R. Dean (retired)
Golan Heights; Cyprus; Bosnia; Afghanistan

May we all take a moment this week, and particularly on Wednesday, to honour those who have served, and continue to serve, to keep us safe and free.  May their sacrifices never be forgotten.