Monday, 22 February 2016

Promises, Promises....

It has been said that promises are meant to be broken. As I don't actually subscribe to that theory I thought I would review the few posts I have made to make sure I haven't broken any promises already. Well, it seems I have promised to show you my first Camp Mini Ha Ha project today but I also promised to review the "wish list" I presented two years ago in my second post and see where it stands today. Today - I'll deal with a review of my old wish list.

So - my wish list from two years ago included:

1. a plywood box my husband made for me to do a Christmas scene in it - I actually did do that scene, displayed it for one year then didn't like it anymore. The next year, I took a few of the pieces and displayed them on top of my buffet. I had originally just taken a Chrysnbon table and chair set and one of my Michael's cabinets and painted it in "Christmassy" colours and developed a scene around it with Christmas pictures, a sled, etc.
Now, I think I'm done with that - not just the scene but the furniture as well. I'm probably going to repaint the furniture to cover over the Christmas colours and figure out something else to do with it. See the beautiful table of desserts next to the table? That was made by Kathy N. (from Wisconsin I believe). She is one of our Camp Mini Ha Ha participants and I was lucky enough to receive this at one of our gift exchanges. Beautiful work - and so scrumptious looking!

2. A replica of the image from "The Bookworm" by Carl Spitzweig". Okay - I love this painting and, some day would like to attempt it. I have some beautiful mahogany bookcases that will fit this scene well but, for now, it remains on my wish list --- way down on my wish list!

3. Christmas scenes like the beautifully decorated windows we used to admire in the Eaton's, Bay, and Sears stores in Toronto. Well, this idea is still very much on my wish list but, in my mind, has evolved into a series of 5 Christmas scenes. Three of these will be based on pictures I have of windows at The Bay in Toronto from a few years ago. The window scene I picture here would be the 2nd in the series. I WILL definitely do these! This series remains on my wish list - but quite high on my wish list!

4. A Paris bistro - still on my list but moving down in priority. Likewise number 5 - the Irish pub, and number 6, the lighthouse and residence.

I will get around to them all eventually but - there's so many ideas, so little time!!

By now you're probably wondering, if all of these things are on my wish list - is there anything I'm actually doing? Well, I'm glad you asked.

I have two Camp projects under my belt now - one completed and the other just needing some finishing touches. I will show these in posts over the next week or so.

Recently I cut out two shops that I will be making into quilt shops - one for me and the other for my sister. I will post pictures and descriptions all along the way for these. Also - I purchased a greenhouse from IKEA that will become a greenhouse with attached potting shed and I have the bare bones together of a building that will become a wizard's emporium for my granddaughter. And - because that can't possibly be enough, when September comes around I will be working on this year's project at Camp - just to fill in my spare time!

Okay - admit it - you're all just like me!!! Lots and lots of ideas, almost as many projects on the go. Isn't it all great fun?

Next post I will fulfill my other promise and show you the details of my Camp projects. TTFN!

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